

Born 1984 in Henstedt-Ulzburg / Germany


Since 2013: University of Hamburg

PhD in German Literature approaching the relation between literary and cultural spaces by using Digital Humanities methods.

2010-2012: University of Hamburg

Master Studies in German Literature focussing on theatre and media, Narratology and Digital Humanities. M.A. thesis about narrative identity in the contemporary German novel „So was von da“ by Tino Hanekamp.

2007-2010: Leuphana University Lüneburg

Bachelor Studies in Cultural Sciences focussing on literature, communication and philosophy of culture. B.A. thesis on Foucault’s heterothropology in relation to contemporary German literature.

2004-2007: Business School Hamburg and „Buchhandlung Heymann“ in Hamburg

Trained to be a bookseller.

Research Focus

Digital Humanities, Contemporary Literature, Cultural Sciences and Narratology


Since 2013: University of Hamburg

Research Assistant in the eFoto project dealing with the conception of an interactive image database of photographies of the urban landscape of Hamburg. Research Assistant for DARIAH-DE.

2007-2013 Buchhandlung Heymann

Varying part- and full-time positions as a bookseller.

Other literary activities

Since 2012 I review all kind of novels on my personal blog „Lebe Lieber Literarisch“


Dunn Stuart & Schumacher, Mareike: „Explaining Events to Computers: Critical Quantification, Multiplicity and Narratives in Cultural Heritage.“ In: Digital Humanities Quaterly 2016 Issue 10-3

Busch, Anna & Meister, Jan Christoph & Schumacher, Mareike: „Wo bleibt eigentlich der einzelne Fachwissenschaftler? Community Building als Aufgabe und Herausforderung für DH-Infrastrukturen“ In: Bibliothek. Forschung und Praxis 2016 40-2

Schumacher, Mareike: „The efoto-project: Narrative construction of the past and semi-automated data curation.“ In: Journal of historical fictions 2017 1-2