I have a good news for you today! I open this blog for guest posts. That means, you have the chance to publish a post here and thus to make your topic or your own blog known on another community. The topic of this call are “Colors of DH” and with this I mean two things. Firstly, I would like to show as many case studies of the digital humanities as possible. Because this field is so colorful! Secondly, I am interested in how diversity is taken into account in the digital humanities. It’s up to you whether you use this call for a brand new case study or take one you made years ago out of one of your (virtual) drawers. Whether you’re just starting out in the Digital Humanities, or already an old hand, still studying or writing your dissertation, are a post-doc or already standing somewhere else, doesn’t matter for me, here. The result of this Call for Blogposts should be a series of articles about “Colors of DH”. Languages of the article series are German and English, which means you can submit your article idea in one of these languages and it will appear in both (English version will be translated with some help of DeepL).
More about the call for blog posts “Colors of DH”
Digital Humanities is a heterogeneous field and case studies can be very different. For this reason alone, the digital humanities are diverse. Interdisciplinary cooperation, which is so important here, also ensures that more than one perspective is always incorporated into a project. Nevertheless, we Digital Humanists often make use of canonized text, image, music or film corpora, as these are often easily accessible, in the public domain and thus available. But how do we nevertheless manage to include diversity in our research on the level of objects? What is the relationship between normative, canonizing effects and the observation of the particular, deviant? Such and similar questions can be the basis of your case study.

Submit a blog post
If you want to submit a blog post on the topic “Colors of DH”, please send me
to info@lebelieberliterarisch.de
until 31.8.2020
an abstract of 300-500 words in German or English.
I will inform you until 15.9.2020 if your abstract will be part of the article series “Colors of DH”. If accepted, please send me the full blog post of about 1000-2000 words until 31.10.2020. The publication of the article series starts on 1.12.2020. The articles will be proofread by me, but there will be no further peer review process.
Show your DH favorite color!
If your case study is published on this blog, it will find interested readers from the innermost part of the Digital Humanities community, but also those with a more traditional interest in the humanities. Publishing here means being able to show a blog article in which you can insert all your literature references as usual. In addition, each post in the series will be given a quote box to make it easier for others to refer to the blog article. Of course, I promote each of the articles on my social media channels on Twitter and Instagram. And I’m going to add a podcast episode (in German). So if you show your favourite DH color in your blog post, it will be shown to as many colleagues, students and the members of the interested public as possible using the latest means of science communication. I think it is worth it and will be a great opportunity to collaborate!
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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